If you’re a fan of cute stationary items, continue reading to discover a list of adorable pieces of stationary, which you may be interested in purchasing.
Cute stationary items that are worth purchasing:
1. Pretty file folders
If you’re looking for a simple way to keep all of your loose pieces of papers and documents organized, it’s a wise idea to purchase pretty file folders, that you’ll be likely to use. As if you purchase plain file folders, you’ll be far less likely to use your folders on a daily basis. As you’re far more likely to regularly use pieces of stationary which you find aesthetically pleasing.
For example, you can’t go wrong using beautiful Martha Stewart file folders to store recipes which you may print off the internet. Or to hold your mail.
If in doubt, you can’t go wrong purchasing file folders which boast a fun pattern such as a polka dot pattern or a floral pattern.
2. A cute pen holder
Why not place a cute pen holder on your work desk, so that you’ll never be stuck without a pen again. Especially as its so easy to lose track of your pens, when your desk isn’t well organized.
If you don’t find a cute pen holder which you’re sold on, you can also repurpose a handless mug, with a fun pattern into a makeshift pen holder. Which you’ll also be able to use to store other items of stationary such as pencils, highlighters, marker pens and erasers.
3. Sticky notes
It’s also well worth stocking up on sticky notes, which you’ll be able to use in your files, folders and notebooks. You can even place sticky notes on your daily planner or on your office wall, in order to remind yourself of important appointments as well as deadlines for your upcoming tasks.
While you can purchase plain flour sticky notes, you can also purchase sticky notes which feature fun backgrounds. As an example, if you love cats, you’ll be able to purchase sticky notes which feature adorable cartoon cats. Alternatively, if you love simple floral prints, you’ll also be able to pick up stick notes which feature gorgeous floral prints.
4. Index tabs
Index tabs are smaller sticky note, which you can use to draw attention to text in a file, folder or journal and can be used to highlight information, without using a highlighter. If you ever need to be able to locate important information in a hurry, you’ll find using index tabs will help make your task a little easier.
5. A pack of mini highlighters
It’s also well worth purchasing a handy pack of miniature highlighters, which you’ll be able to use to highlight different types of information. As an example, you may want to use a yellow highlighter to highlight statistics and a pink highlighter to highlight quotes. You should find it far easier to find the information which you’re looking for, if you use a different color highlighter for different types of information.
Hopefully you’ve found a couple of cute, yet practical stationary items, that you’d love to add to your home office.
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